Friday, May 15, 2009

" Building of a ship" Henry Longfellow.

"It is the heart and not the brain
That to the highest doth attain."

So sang the bard whose rythmic strain
We shall not hear on earth again
Yet higher than his tuneful art
We prize the kindness of his heart.

It's time for working people to rise up and defeat
The brokers and bankers and media elite
And all the educated bums in panelled office suites
And throw them in the street.

Author Unknown.

Sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt,
Say brother, don't you call me 'cause
I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store.

Merle Travis.

Thouugh the mills of God gring slowly
Yet they grind exceedingly small,
Though with patience he stands waiting
with exactness he grinds all.

Henry Longfellow.

Looks like what drives me crazy
Don't have no effect on you -
But I'm gonna keep on at it
Till it drives you crazy too.

Lanston Hughes.

Sir I admit your general rule
That every poet is a fool:
But you yourself may serve to show it,
That every fool is not a poet.

Alexander Pope.

And could he be indeed so old
As by the news-papers we're told?
Three score, I think is pretty high;
T'was time in conscience he should die.
This world he cumbered long enough;
He burnt his candle to the snuff;
And that's the reason some folks think,
He left behind so great a stink.

Jonathan Swift, " A satyrical elegy on the death of a late famous general"


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